Zephaniah 3 14-20

Sing, Daughter Jerusalem!
Shout, Israel!
Rejoice and exult
with all your heart
Daughter Jerusalem!
The LORD has removed the judgments against you,
he has turned back your enemy
the King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst,
do not fear evil again.
On that day it will be said to Jerusalem:
‘Do not fear, Zion,
Do not let your hands drop.
And the LORD God is in youe midst,
a mighty one who saves
he will rejoice over you with gladness
he will quieten you by his love
he will exult over you with a shout of joy.

The people who grieve because of festivals
I have gathered from you
they are a burden to her
a reproach

Behold I will deal with all who afflict you at that time
and I will will rescue the lame
and the scattered I will gather
I will change…
to praise and to renown
in all the earth
… her shame

At that time I will bring you in
and at the time I gather you together
I will make you renowned
and praised among all the peoples of the earth;
when I return your fortunes
before your eyes
says the LORD.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
stay beside me to defend me,
within me to guide me,
before me to lead me,
and above me to bless me,
that with you and in you,
I may live, and move and have my being,
for ever and ever.



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