Category: Time to Pray

  • 1 Corinthians 12 1-3

    Now, about the spiritual (gifts and/or people),
    sisters /brothers
    I do not want you to be uninformed.

    You know you
    – when you were gentiles
    -to speechless idols
    -however you were being led
    (you were) being led astray.

    Therefore I am making known to you all
    that no-one
    by the Spirit of God says
    Jesus (is) cursed
    and no-one can say
    Jesus (is) Lord
    except by the Holy Spirit.

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is discord, union;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy,
    For your mercy and for your truth’s sake. Amen

  • 1 Corinthians 11 27-34

    So who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord not fittingly
    is guilty (for so treating) the body and blood of the Lord.
    But let a person examine themself
    and in this way let them eat from the bread and drink from the cup.

    For (that) one is eating and drinking judgement on themself,
    if they eat and drink without ‘recognising what is different about’ the body

    Because of this , among you, many are weak and sick and quite a few are asleep.
    Then, if we ‘recognised what is different about’ ourselves,
    we would not be judged.

    But if we are judged by the Lord
    we are being ‘taught by discipline’
    so that we might not be condemned with the world.

    So, my sisters/brothers,
    when you come together to eat
    wait for one another.
    If someone is hungry,
    may it be that they eat at home,
    so that you do not come together for judgement.
    I will give instructions about other things
    whenever I come.

    O Lord Jesus Christ,
    stay beside me to defend me,
    within me to guide me,
    before me to lead me,
    and above me to bless me,
    that with you and in you,
    I may live, and move and have my being,
    for ever and ever.


  • 1 Corinthians 11 23-26

    For I received from the Lord
    also what I handed over to you,
    that the Lord Jesus
    on that night on which he was being handed over
    took bread,
    and when he had given thanks
    he broke it
    and said
    This is my body
    which is for you.
    Do this in remembrance of me.
    Likewise also the cup
    after the supper, saying
    This cup is the new covenant
    in my blood
    do this
    whenever you drink
    in remembrance of me
    For as many times as you eat this bread and drink this cup
    you proclaim the death of the Lord
    until when he comes.

    Eternal God and Father,
    you create us by your power,
    and redeem us by your love,
    guide and strengthen us by your Spirit,
    that we may give ourselves in love and service
    to one another and to you;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • 1 Corinthians 11 17-22


    Also see animation here:

    But, declaring this
    I do not praise (you) :
    when you come together
    it is not for the better
    but for the worse.
    First of all
    I hear
    when you come together as a church
    there are splits
    among you
    and I believe it in part.

    For it is necessary
    for there to be factions
    among you
    so that also the genuine might be evident
    among you.

    So when you come together
    to the same place
    to eat
    there is no Lord’s supper.
    For each person
    takes in advance
    their own supper
    to eat
    and one person to be hungry
    and another person to be drunk.
    For do you not have houses
    in which to eat and drink?
    or do you despise the church of God?
    And do you humiliate the have- nots ?
    What should I say to you?
    Should I praise you?
    I will not praise you in this.

    O Lord, in whom is our hope,
    remove far from us, we pray thee,
    empty hopes and presumptuous confidence.
    Make our hearts so right with thy most holy and loving heart,
    that hoping in thee we may do good;
    until that day when faith and hope
    shall be abolished by sight and possession,
    and love shall be all in all.

    Christina Rossetti (1830-94)

  • 1 Corinthians 11 7-16

    For on the one hand
    a man should not have his head covered,
    being the image and glory of God.
    But on the other hand,
    the woman is the glory of a man.

    For a man is not from woman
    but woman from man.
    And indeed
    man was not created for the sake of woman
    but woman for the sake of the man.

    Because of this (the above?)
    a woman must have power over her head
    – because of the angels.

    Nevertheless neither is the woman apart from the man,
    not man apart from woman,
    in the Lord.
    For just as the woman is f rom man
    so man is from woman.
    But all things are from God.

    Judge these things, among yourselves.
    Is it appropriate for an uncovered woman to pray to God?
    Does not the nature (of things) itself teach you that
    – a man, if he has long hair, it is a disgrace for him
    -But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory for her.
    for her hair has been given as a covering.

    If anyone thinks to be argumentative,
    we do not have an other custom,
    nor (do) the churches of God.

    Keep us, O Lord, while we tarry on this earth,
    in a serious seeking after thee,
    and in an affectionate walking with thee,
    every day of our lives;
    that when thou comest,
    we may be found not hiding our talent,
    nor yet asleep with our lamp unfurnished,
    but waiting and longing for our Lord,
    our glorious King, for ever and ever.

    Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

  • 1 Corinthians 11 1-6

    Now, I praise you,
    because you remember me always,
    and just as I handed (them) to you
    you hold fast to the traditions.

    But I want you to know that
    the head of every man is the Christ,
    then head of a woman (is) the man
    then the head of the Christ (is) God.

    Every man, praying or prophesying,
    ‘having something coming down’ the head
    shames his head.

    Every woman, praying or prophesying,
    with the head uncovered
    shames her head.
    For (that) one thing is the same as a shaved head.

    Eternal God and Father,
    you create us by your power,
    and redeem us by your love,
    guide and strengthen us by your Spirit,
    that we may give ourselves in love and service
    to one another and to you;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • 1 Corinthians 10 28-33

    But if someone says to you:
    ‘This is sacrificial meat’
    (generally) do not eat
    because of the one1 who told (you) and (their) conscience.
    Now I speak about the conscience
    not of one’s own
    but the other’s.

    For why should my liberty be judged by another’s conscience?
    If I take part with thankfulness –
    why am I blamed for that which I give thanks for?

    So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do
    do everything for the glory of God.
    Be inoffensive to Jews
    and to Greeks
    and to the church of God,
    As I please all people, all ways
    not see to benefit for myself
    but for the many
    that they might be saved.

    Be imitators of me as I am of Christ.

    Eternal Light, shine into our hearts;
    Eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil;
    Eternal Power, be our support;
    Eternal Wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance:
    That we may seek your face
    with all our heart and mind and soul and strength. Amen.


  • 1 Cor 10 23-27

    All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful.
    All things are lawful, but not all things build up.
    Do not seek things for oneself,
    but for another.

    Eat anything that has been sold in the meat market,
    investigating nothing on account of (your) conscience.
    for the earth (and what it is) full of are the Lord’s.1

    If a certain one of the unbelievers invites (some of) you
    and you wish to go
    eat everything that is set before you
    investigating nothing on account of (your) conscience.

    1. Psalm 24 1 ↩︎

    God, give me grace to accept with serenity
    the things that cannot be changed,
    Courage to change the things
    which should be changed,
    and the Wisdom to distinguish
    the one from the other.

    Living one day at a time,
    Enjoying one moment at a time,
    Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
    Taking, as Jesus did,
    This sinful world as it is,
    Not as I would have it,
    Trusting that You will make all things right,
    If I surrender to Your will,
    So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
    And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


  • 1 Corinthians 10 14-22

    And so, my beloved,
    run from idol worship.
    To sensible people I speak –
    Judge – all of you – what I say.
    The cup of blessing,
    which we bless,
    is it not a shared participation in the blood of Christ,
    the bread which we break
    is it not a shared participation in the body of Christ?
    Because there is one bread,
    many as we are, are one body
    for we all share the one bread.

    Consider ‘Israel according to the flesh’
    are not those eating the sacrifice
    participants in the sacrificial altar?

    What then do I say?
    The food-offered-to idols is (something)
    or the an idol is (something)?
    But (I say) that what is sacrificed
    is offered to demons and not to God.
    I do want you to be participants with demons.
    You cannot drink the cup of the Lord
    and the cup of demons,
    you cannot share in the table of the Lord
    and the table of demons.
    Or we do make the Lord jealous?
    We not stronger than he is, are we?

    Eternal Light, shine into our hearts,
    Eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil,
    Eternal Power, be our support,
    Eternal Wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance,
    Eternal Pity, have mercy upon us;
    that with all our heart and mind
    and soul and strength we may seek thy face
    and be brought by thine infinite mercy
    to thy holy presence;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Alcuin (735-804)

  • 1 Corinthians 10 6-13

    Nevertheless, with the majority of them
    God was not pleased
    for their bodies were scattered in the desert.
    Now these things occurred as a pattern of us,
    so that we are not people who desire evil things
    as they desired evil things…

    And do not become idol worshippers
    as some of them
    as it is written:
    ‘the people sat down to eat and drink
    and they stood to party.’

    And do not let us be sexually immoral
    as some of them were immoral and fell,
    in one day 23,000.

    And do not let us continue to put Christ to the test
    as some of them tested (him)
    and were destroyed by the snakes.

    And do not grumble
    as some of them grumbled
    and were killed by the Destroyer.

    These things happened to them as warnings
    and were written for our instruction
    on whom the ends of the ages has come
    so that the one who thinks they stand
    let them see that they do not fall.

    A temptation (trial) has not seized you
    except a (typically) human one,
    Moreover faithful is God-
    who will not let you be tested
    beyond what you are able (to bear)
    but will make
    with the temptation
    an escape route also:
    your ability to bear it.

    Lord, you have given me so much,
    I ask for one more thing –
    a grateful heart.

    George Herbert