Now about ‘those who have not married’
I do not have a command from the Lord,
but I am giving an opinion
as someone who the Lord’s mercy has been made worthy of trust,
so I think this is good – ,
on account of the impending severe pressures,
that it is good for someone to be like this:
- The one bound (betrothed?) to a wife (woman?),
let him not seek to be free. - The one free (unbetrothed?),
should not seek a wife. - But if you (masc.) have married, you have not sinned,
- and if a girl marries, she has not sinned.
But these will have trouble in the flesh,
I am (trying to) sparing you.
I say this, brothers /sisters
the time has been shortened.
(I say this) that
-those who have wives
should be as those who do not have (them).
– And those weep,
as those who do not weep,
– and those who rejoice
as those who do not rejoice
– And those who buy
as those who do not have any possessions
– and those who are engrossed in the world
as those who do not make full use of it
for the present form of the world is going to pass away.
O Lord Jesus Christ,
stay beside me to defend me,
within me to guide me,
before me to lead me,
and above me to bless me,
that with you and in you,
I may live, and move and have my being,
for ever and ever.