Mark 3:13-19 Twelve are chosen

Mt Arbel and the Horns of Hattin, from near Capernaum

And he went up the mountain and he summoned those who he wanted and they went to him.

And he appointed twelve (those he named apostles) so that
they might be  with him
and he might send them to preach
and to have authority to cast out demons.

And he appointed the twelve, and
he gave to Simon the name Peter,
and Jacob,* the son of Zebedee 
and John, the brother of Jacob,
and he gave to them the name  ‘Boanerges’, which is ‘Sons of Thunder’,
and Andrew
and Philip 
and Bartholomew
and Matthew
and Thomas
and Jacob,* the son of Alphaeus
And Thaddeus
and Simon, the zealot
and Judas Iscariot, who handed him over. 


O Lord Jesus Christ,
stay beside me to defend me,
within me to guide me,
before me to lead me,
and above me to bless me,
that with you and in you,
I may live, and move and have my being,
for ever and ever.


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