John 18:38-19:7

Herod's Palace - where Pilate would have stayed in Jerusalem

And having said this, he went out to the Jewish leaders and spoke to them: ‘I, for my part, find no reason for an accusation in him. It is your custom that I release one man to you at Passover. Therefore, do you wish that I release to you the King of the Jews?’ Then they shouted back ‘No! Not this one, but Barabbas’. (Barabbas was a rebel.)

So then Pilate had Jesus taken and flogged. And the soldiers, having twisted together a crown from thorn branches, put it on his head and put a purple cloak on him. And they said  to him ‘Hail, King of the Jews’ and they struck him.

And Pilate went out again and said to them ‘Behold, I am bringing him out to you, that you might know that  I find no reason for accusation in him. So Jesus went out, wearing  the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And he said ‘Behold, the man.’

So when the chief priests and the officials saw him, they cried out ‘Crucify! Crucify!’’

Pilate said to them ‘Take him yourselves, and crucify him.’ For I cannot find a reason for accusation in him.’ 

The Jewish leaders answered ‘We have a law and according to the law he must die, because he has made himself the Son of God.’

O Lord Jesus Christ,
stay beside me to defend me,
within me to guide me,
before me to lead me,
and above me to bless me,
that with you and in you,
I may live, and move and have my being,
for ever and ever.



4 responses to “John 18:38-19:7”

  1. There is nothing new about “Fake news”, although the story of Jesus is far more consequential than modern events, we see the truth distorted and discounted, the opinion of experts ignored and the crowd stirred up by a leadership intent on its own self seeking agenda!
    Thanks again for your focus on the wonderful truth of this story.

  2. Thank you Derek for your daily bulletin ,which keeps one in touch with the inner world of faith and belief that we will eventually emerge from this bewildering alien landscape, with God’s help!

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