Ephesians 5 21-33

…being submissive to one another
in the fear of Christ:
the wives to their husbands
as to the Lord,
because a husband
(is) the head of (his) wife
Christ is also the head of the Church,
he is the saviour of the Body
but as the church submits to Christ
so wives also to husbands
(with reference) to all things.

love (your) wives
as also Christ loved the church
and handed over himself for her,
so that he might make her holy
by the washing with water
by the word
so that he might present the church glorious
to himself
not having a spot or wrinkle or anything similar
but is holy and without blemish
In the same way husbands must love their wives
as their own bodies
He who loves his wife, loves himself.

For nobody ever hates his own body
but feeds and takes care of it.
so also Christ and the Church.
because we are members of his body.

Because of this a man
leaves his mother and father
and is united with his wife
and the two will be one flesh.

This mystery is great.
I am speaking about Christ and the Church.

But each one of you too:
let each of you love his wife as himself
And let the wife respect (her) husband.

Teach us, good Lord,
to serve thee as thou deservest;
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and not to ask for any reward,
save that of knowing that we do thy will,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

St Ignatius

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