1 Corinthians 10 6-13

Nevertheless, with the majority of them
God was not pleased
for their bodies were scattered in the desert.
Now these things occurred as a pattern of us,
so that we are not people who desire evil things
as they desired evil things…

And do not become idol worshippers
as some of them
as it is written:
‘the people sat down to eat and drink
and they stood to party.’

And do not let us be sexually immoral
as some of them were immoral and fell,
in one day 23,000.

And do not let us continue to put Christ to the test
as some of them tested (him)
and were destroyed by the snakes.

And do not grumble
as some of them grumbled
and were killed by the Destroyer.

These things happened to them as warnings
and were written for our instruction
on whom the ends of the ages has come
so that the one who thinks they stand
let them see that they do not fall.

A temptation (trial) has not seized you
except a (typically) human one,
Moreover faithful is God-
who will not let you be tested
beyond what you are able (to bear)
but will make
with the temptation
an escape route also:
your ability to bear it.

Lord, you have given me so much,
I ask for one more thing –
a grateful heart.

George Herbert


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